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Characterization of Molecular Interactions in the Bondline of Composites from Plasma-Treated Aluminum and Wood
Sascha Jan Zimmermann, Philipp Moritz, Oliver Höfft, Lienhard Wegewitz, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, Sebastian Dahle
Molecules (2023), 28(22):7574
DOI: 10.3390/molecules28227574Atmospheric non-thermal plasma reduction of natively oxidized iron surfaces
Viktor Udachin, Lienhard Wegewitz, Maik Szafarska, Sebastian Dahle, René Gustus, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2023)
DOI: 10.1007/s11090-023-10346-7Influence of different processing atmospheres on curing and adhesive strength of cyanoacrylates
Philipp Moritz, Sandra Gerland, Lienhard Wegewitz, Annika Raatz, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 124 (2023), 103386
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2023.103386Oxygen‐free production ‐ from vision to application
Lienhard Wegewitz, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, René Gustus, Hans Jürgen Maier, and Sebastian Herbst
Adv. Eng. Mater., 2201819 (2023)
DOI: 10.1002/adem.202201819Interaction of Cyanoacrylate with Metal Oxide Surfaces (Cu, Al)
Philipp Moritz, Oliver Höfft, Lienhard Wegewitz, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
ChemPhysChem (2023)
DOI: 10.1002/cphc.202300076Gas Phase Reaction of Silane with Water at Different Temperatures and Supported by Plasma
Maik Szafarska, Vinzent Olszok, Ulrich Holländer, René Gustus, Alfred P. Weber and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
ACS Omega (2023)
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c07209
Influence of an oxygen-free atmosphere on laser beam brazing of aluminium with prior surface deoxidation
Witali Aman, Sarah Nothdurft, Jörg Hermsdorf, Stefan Kaierle, Maik Szafarska, René Gustus, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs and Ludger Overmeyer
Procedia CIRP 111 (2022) 762-765
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.08.122Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Deoxidation of Copper and Iron Surfaces
Viktor Udachin, Sebastian Dahle, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
2022 IEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)
DOI: 10.1109/ICOPS45751.2022.9813324Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Deoxidation of Copper Surfaces in an Ar/SiH4 Atmosphere
Viktor Udachin, Lienhard Wegewitz, Sebastian Dahle, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2022)
DOI: 10.1007/s11090-022-10268-wReduction of copper surface oxide using a sub-atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge plasma
Viktor Udachin, Lienhard Wegewitz, Sebastian Dahle, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
Applied Surface Science, Volume 573 (2022), 151568
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151568
- Bonding mechanism of Cyanoacrylate on SiO2 and Au: Spectroscopic Studies of the Interface
P. Moritz, F. Bürger, O. Höfft, L. Wegewitz, W. Maus-Friedrichs
Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part C: Energy, Materials, and Catalysis, Section C: Physical Properties of Materials and Interfaces 125, 42 (2021), 23409–23417
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c06477 - Silver nanoparticle formation on lignin and ist precursors
S. Dahle, L. Wegewitz, W. Viöl, W. Maus-Friedrichs,
Les/Wood 70 (2021), 59-72
DOI: 10.26614/les-woods.v70n01a03 - Oxygen-free transport of samples in silane-doped inert gas atmospheres for surface analysis
R.Gustus, M. Szafarska, and W.Maus-Friedrichs
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 39, 054204 (2021)
DOI: 10.1116/6.0001180 - Surface finishing of hard-to-machine cladding alloys for highlystressed components
D. Schroepfer, K. Treutler, A. Boerner, R. Gustus, T. Kannengiesser, V. Wesling, W. Maus-Friedrichs
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) 114:1427–1442
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-021-06815-y - Low temperature plasma deoxidation of copper surfaces
V. Udachin, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs
47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2021, European Physical Society, 21-25 June 2021, 45A
ISBN: 979-10-96389-13-1 - Switchable mesomeric betaines derived from pyridinium‐phenolates and bis(thienyl)ethane
S. Nagorny, F. Lederle, V. Udachin, T. Weingartz, E. G. Hübner, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs, J. Adams, and A. Schmidt
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2021)
DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202100279 - Sauerstofffreier Transport, Präparation und Transfer von Materialproben für die Oberflächenanalytik
M. Szafarska, R. Gustus, W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering 10 (2021), 829-839, Shaker Verlag Düren
ISBN: 978-3-8440-8021-6 - Investigation of deoxidation mechanisms on Cu surfaces in a DBD plasma
V. Udachin, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering 10 (2021), 869-881, Shaker Verlag Düren
ISBN: 978-3-8440-8021-6 - Untersuchungen zur Adhäsion von Cyanacrylaten auf Siliziumdioxid
P. Moritz, F. Bürger, L. Wegewitz, W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering 10 (2021), 841-851, Shaker Verlag Düren
ISBN: 978-3-8440-8021-6 - Superhydrophilic Coating of Pine Wood by Plasma Functionalization of Self-Assembled Polystyrene Spheres
S. Dahle, J. Meuthen, R. Gustus, A. Prowald, W. Viöl, W. Maus-Friedrichs
Coatings 2021, 11(2), 114
DOI: 10.3390/coatings11020114
- Bonding mechanism of Cyanoacrylate on SiO2 and Au: Spectroscopic Studies of the Interface
- Preparation techniques of thin cyanoacrylate adhesive films for interface analysis
P. Moritz, F. Bürger, L. Wegewitz, W. Maus-Friedrichs
The Journal of Adhesion 2020
DOI: 10.1080/00218464.2020.1866557 - Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase-Assisted Preparation of Oxidized-Cellulose Nanocrystals with a High Carboxyl Content from the Tunic of Marine Invertebrate Ciona intestinalis
A. Karnaouri, B. Jalvo, P. Moritz, L. Matsakas, U. Rova, O. Höfft, G. Sourkouni, W. Maus-Friedrichs, A. P. Mathew, P. Christakopoulos
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 50, 18400–18412
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c05036 - Towards Dry Machining of Titanium-Based Alloys: A New Approach Using an Oxygen-Free Environment
H.J. Maier, S. Herbst, B. Denkena, M.-A. Dittrich, F. Schaper, S. Worpenberg, R. Gustus, W. Maus-Friedrichs
Metals 2020, 10(9), 1161
DOI: 10.3390/met10091161 - Surface deoxidation mechanism during vacuum heat treatment of stainless steels AISI 304 and 446
Cornelia Strauß, Lienhard Wegewitz, Simon Schöler, Ulrich Holländer, Kai Möhwald, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
Steel research international.
DOI: 10.1002/srin.201900568
- Preparation techniques of thin cyanoacrylate adhesive films for interface analysis
- Improved adhesion of a-C and a-C:H films with a CrC interlayer on 16MnCr5 by HiPIMS-pretreatment
Wolfgang Tillmann, Nelson Filipe Lopes Dias, Dominic Stangier, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, René Gustus, Carl Arne Thomann, Henning Moldenhauer, Jörg Debus
Surface & Coatings Technology, 375, 877-887, 2019.
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2019.07.076 - Polymer induced metal diffusion during plastic processing: a reason for deposit formation, Maria Sonnenberg, Rene Gustus, Sascha Sedelmeier, Oliver Höfft, Jürgen Wieser, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 39, 472-480, 2019.
DOI: 10.1515/polyeng-2018-0324 - Surface deoxidation mechanisms of stainless steels in vacuum brazing processes
Cornelia Strauß, Lienhard Wegewitz, René Gustus und Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs; Simon Schöler, Ulrich Holländer und Kai Möhwald
DVS-Berichte, Band: 353, LÖT 2019, 247-252, 209
ISBN: 978-3-96144-060-3 - Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung von Polymerschmelze mit Metalloberflächen im Bereich der Kunststoffverarbeitung
Maria Sonnenberg, René Gustus, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
Tagungsband 3. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik, S. 303-314, 2019
DOI: 10.21268/20190318-4 - Oberflächen-Desoxidationsmechanismen von Edelstählen bei Vakuumlötprozessen
Cornelia Strauß, René Gustus und Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs; Simon Schöler, Ulrich Holländer und Kai Möhwald
Tagungsband 3. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik, 193-204, 2019.
DOI: 10.21268/20190318-8 - Influence of atmosphere during vacuum heat treatment of stainless steels AISI 304 and 446
Cornelia Strauß, René Gustus, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, Simon Schöler, Ulrich Holländer, Kai Möhwald
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 264, 1-9, 2019.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.08.038.
- Improved adhesion of a-C and a-C:H films with a CrC interlayer on 16MnCr5 by HiPIMS-pretreatment
- Adsorption study of thin films of terephthalic acid and substituted benzoic acids on HOPG studied by Metastable Induced Electron Spectroscopy and Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Marcel Marschewski, Harun Taş, Christian Otto, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, Andreas Schmidt and Oliver Höfft
Akzeptiert bei Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2018
DOI:10.1016/j.elspec.2018.09.002. - Characterization and applications of nanoparticles modified in-flight silica or silica-organic coatings
Patrick Post, Lisa Wurlitzer, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, Alfred Weber
Nanomaterials 8, 530, 2018.
DOI: 10.3390/nano8070530
- Adsorption study of thin films of terephthalic acid and substituted benzoic acids on HOPG studied by Metastable Induced Electron Spectroscopy and Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Belagbildung in Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen: Mechanismen und Lösungsstrategien
M. Sonnenberg, J. Vega, R. Gustus, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Sedelmeier, H. Scheerer, J. Wieser
25. Fachtagung über Verarbeitung und Anwendung von Polymeren (2017), ISBN 978-3-939382-13-3 - Plasmaunterstütze chemische Flüssigphasenabscheidung - Neue Perspektiven für Polymerbeschichtungen
L. Wurlitzer, S. Dahle und W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering (2017) 4:587-596, ISBN: 978-3-8440-5069-1 - Desulfurization of biogas via dielectric barrier discharges
M. Unseld, C. Szepanski, A. Lindermeir, W. Maus-Friedrichs and S. Dahle
Chemical Engineering & Technology 40(2), 1-8, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201600282, 2017
- Belagbildung in Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen: Mechanismen und Lösungsstrategien
- Mechanisms of steel deoxidation of stainless steels in vacuum brazing processes
C. Kunz, M. Marschewski, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Schöler, U. Holländer und K. Möhwald
11th International Conference Löt 2016, DVS-Berichte 325, ISBN 978-3-945023-64-8 (2016), 181-185 - Umsetzung extrem magerer Brennstoffgemische mittels DBE-Plasmen
S. Dahle, R. Siemann, L. Wurlitzer und W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering (2016) 3:144-156, ISBN: 978-3-8440-4809-4
- Mechanisms of steel deoxidation of stainless steels in vacuum brazing processes
- Mechanismen-basierte Strategien zur Vermeidung der Belagbildung in Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen und Werkzeugen
M. Sonnenberg, R. Gustus, L. Wegewitz, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Sedelmeier, J. Wieser, J. Vega, H. Scheerer
24. Fachtagung über Verarbeitung und Anwendung von Polymeren, 2015.
ISBN 978-3-939382-12-6 - Homogene Beschichtungen von Aerosol-Nanopartikeln in einem kalten Plasma bei Atmosphärendruck
P. Post, A. P. Weber, S. Dahle und W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering (2015) 1:133-142, ISBN: 978-3-8440-3403-5 - The structure of a coordination polymer constructed of manganese(II) biphenyl-4,4'-dicarboxylate
A. Smeyanov, M. Nieger, R. Gustus, W. Maus-Friedrichs and A. Schmidt
Z. Naturforsch. 2015, DOI 10.1515/znb-2015-0120 - Chemical improvement of surfaces. Part 4: Significantly Enhanced Hydrophobicity of Wood by Covalent Modification with p-Sily-functionalized Benzoates
C. Kaldun, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs and D. E. Kaufmann
Holzforschung, im Druck, DOI: 10.1515/hf-2015-0036, 2015 - Adsorption analysis of thin films of terephtalic acid on Au and Al studied by MIES, UPS and XPS
M. Marschewski, C. Otto, L. Wegewitz, O. Höfft, A. Schmidt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
akzeptiert bei Applied Surface Science, 2014 - Erzeugung dünner Funktionsschichten mittels plasmaunterstützter chemischer Gasphasenabscheidung
S. Dahle, C. Kunz, M. Sonnenberg und W. Maus-Friedrichs
Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering, 143-151, ISBN:978-3-8440-3403-5, 2015 - Gas purification by plasma-oxidation of a rotating sacrificial electrode
S. Dahle, J. Hirschberg, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24, 035021, DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/24/3/035021, 2015 - Monolayer deposition of Bisphenol A Polycarbonate on Au(111)
R. Gustus, L. Wegewitz, S. Sedelmeier, O. Höfft, J. Wieser, M. Rehahn, F. Endres and W. Maus-Friedrichs, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (1), pp 228–233, DOI: 10.1021/jp506627d
- Mechanismen-basierte Strategien zur Vermeidung der Belagbildung in Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen und Werkzeugen
- The silver nano particle formation on Ar plasma treated pine wood
S. Dahle, L. Wegewitz, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Towards forest products and processes with lower environmental impact, 299-308, 2014
Edited by Fernando Caldeira
ISBN: 978-989-643-122-8 - Plasma chemical and chemical funktionalization of polystyrene colloidal systems
L. Wegewitz, A. Prowald, J. Meuthen, S. Dahle, O. Höfft, F. Endres and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 18261-18267, DOI: 10.1039/C4CP01932F, 2014 - Interaction mechanism of hydrogen storage materials with layer-by-layer applied protective poly-electrolyte coatings
G. Sourkouni, F. Voigts, J. C. Namyslo, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs and C. Argirusis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39, 14834-14842, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.06.124, 2014 - Decomposition of amorphous Si2C by thermal annealing
R. Gustus, W. Gruber, L. Wegewitz, U. Geckle, R. Prang, C. Kübel, H. Schmidt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Thin Solid Films 552, 232-240, 2014 - The catalytic decomposition of silver coated cinnamyl alcohol during water exposure and the formation of silver nanoparticles
S. Dahle, O. Höfft, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surf. Sci. 621, 133–139, DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2013.11.009, 2014 - The influence of protecting polyelectrolyte layers on the temperature behavior of NaBD4
S. Dahle, J. Meuthen, M. Marschewski, A. Schmidt, W. Maus-Friedrichs, G. Sourkouni and C. Argirusis
RSC Advances 4, 2628-2633, DOI: 10.1039/c3ra44925d, 2014
- The silver nano particle formation on Ar plasma treated pine wood
- Treatment of chronic venous leg ulcers with a hand-held DBD plasma generator
S. Emmert, F. Brehmer, H. Hänßle, A. Helmke, N. Mertens, R. Ahmed, D. Simon, D. Wandke, M. P. Schön, W. Maus-Friedrichs, W.Viöl and G. Däschlein
Plasma Medicine 2 (2013) 19-32, DOI: 10.1615/PlasmaMed.2013005914 - Adsorption of silver on cellobiose and cellulose studied with MIES, UPS, XPS and AFM
S. Dahle, J. Meuthen, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Cellulose 20 (5) 2469-2480, DOI: 10.1007/s10570-013-0009-1, 2013 - Adsorption of silver on glucose studied with MIES, UPS, XPS and AFM
S. Dahle, J. Meuthen, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Appl. Surf. Sci. 284, 514–522, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.07.126, 2013 - Silicon dioxide coating of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from dieletric barrier discharge in a gaseous mixture of silane and nitrogen
S. Dahle, L. Wegewitz, F. Qi, A. Weber and W. Maus-Friedrichs,
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Proccessing 33 (5) 839-853, DOI: 10.1007/s11090-013-9472-6, 2013 - On the origin of fatigue corrosion cracking in Al7075,
R. Masendorf, S. Dahle, L. Wegewitz, S. Korte, G. Lilienkamp, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs,
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 44 (4) 311-318, DOI: 10.1002/mawe.201300052, 2013 - Analysis of plasma-degreased aluminium foil with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
S. Klingner, F. Voigts, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Engineering 29 (5) 396-401, DOI: 10.1179/1743294413Y.0000000129, 2013 - Atmospheric pressure plasma in dermatology: Ulcus treatment and much more
S. Emmert, F. Brehmer, H. Hänßle, A. Helmke, N. Mertens, R. Ahmed, D. Simon, D. Wandke, W. Maus-Friedrichs, G. Däschlein, M. P. Schön and W. Viöl
Clinical Plasma Medicine 1 (1) 24-29, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpme.2012.11.002, 2013 - The interaction of epoxy adhesives with steel surfaces – Wechselwirkungen von Epoxid-Klebstoffen mit Stahloberflächen
H. Munkert, F. Voigts, L. Wegewitz, H. Palkowski and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 44 (1) 36-43, DOI: 10.1002/mawe.201300051, 2013
- Treatment of chronic venous leg ulcers with a hand-held DBD plasma generator
- Electron spectroscopic analysis of the human lipid skin barrier: cold atmospheric plasma-induced changes in lipid composition
M. Marschewski, J. Hirschberg, T. Omairi, O. Höfft, W. Viöl, S. Emmert and W.Maus-Friedrichs
Experimental Dermatology 21 (12) 921-925, DOI: 10.1111/exd.12043, 2012 - Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy of Neon
S. Dahle and W. Maus-Friedrichs
J. Mass Spectrom. 47, 1486–1487, DOI: 10.1002/jms.3082, 2012 - DBD plasma treatment of titanium in O2, N2 and air
S. Dahle, R. Gustus, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process., 32, 1109-1125, DOI: 10.1007/s11090-012-9392-x, 2012 - The interaction of H2O molecules with iron films studied with MIES, UPS and XPS
K. Volgmann, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 606 (9–10), 858–864, DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2012.02.002, 2012 - Thermal stability of magnetron sputtered amorphous Si2C
R. Gustus, W. Gruber, L. Wegewitz, H. Schmidt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Appl. Surf. Sci., 2012, 258, pp 5567-5573, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.01.166, 2012 - Chemical improvement of surfaces. Part 2: Permanent hydrophobization of wood by covalently bonded fluoroorganyl substituents
M. H. H. Drafz, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs, J. C. Namyslo and D. E. Kaufmann
Holzforschung 66, 727-733, DOI: 10.1515/hf-2011-0216, 2012 - Silver nano particle formation on Ar plasma - treated cinnamyl alcohol
S. Dahle, M. Marschewski, L. Wegewitz, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 034902, DOI: 10.1063/1.3680883, 2012 - Influence of air plasma treatment at atmospheric pressure on wood extractives
G. Avramidis, L. Klarhöfer, W. Maus-Friedrichs, H. Militz and W. Viöl
Polymer Degradation and Stability 97, 469-471, 2012 - The interaction of CO2 and CO with Fe-doped SrTiO3(100) surfaces
F. Voigts, C. Argirusis and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface and Interface Analysis 44 (3), 301-307, DOI: 10.1002/sia.3802, 2012 - In situ preparation of calcium carbonate films
S. Dahle, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Thin Solid Films 520 (6), 1842–1846, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2011.08.112, 2012
- Electron spectroscopic analysis of the human lipid skin barrier: cold atmospheric plasma-induced changes in lipid composition
- The interaction of H2O with Fe-doped SrTiO3(100) surfaces
F. Voigts, C. Argirusis and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Interface Analysis 43 (6), 984-992, DOI: 10.1002/sia.3681, 2011 - Water as a source for oxgen incorporation into acceptor doped SrTiO3 single crystals
C. Argirusis, J. Grosse-Brauckmann, F. Jomard, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Solid State Ionics 192 (1), 21-24, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2010.05.005, 2011 - In situ preparation of Calcium hydroxide films
S. Dahle, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Thin Solid Films 520 (1), 18-24, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2011.04.088, 2011 - Changes of the near-surface chemical composition of the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide room temperature ionic liquid under the influence of irradiation
A. Keppler, M. Himmerlich, T. Ikari, M. Marschewski, E. Pachomow, O. Höfft, W. Maus-Friedrichs, F. Endres and S. Krischok
PCCP 13, 1174-1181, 2011 - Plasma-oxidation of Ge(100) surfaces using a dielectric barrier discharge investigated by MIES, UPS and XPS
L. Wegewitz, S. Dahle, O. Höfft, F. Voigts, W. Viöl, F. Endres and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Journal of Applied Physics 110, 033302, DOI: 10.1063/1.3611416, 2011
- The interaction of H2O with Fe-doped SrTiO3(100) surfaces
- The interaction of oxygen with iron films studied with MIES, UPS and XPS
K. Volgmann, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 604, 906–913, 2010 - Plasma electrochemistry in ionic liquids: deposition of copper nanoparticles
M. Brettholle, O. Höfft, L. Klarhöfer, S. Mathes, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Z. El Abedin, S. Krischok, J. Janek and F. Endres
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 1750–1755, 2010 - Surface Electronic Structure of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids Studied by Electron Spectroscopy
T. Ikari, A. Keppler, M. Reinmöller, W. J. D. Beenken, S. Krischok, M. Marschewski, W. Maus-Friedrichs, O. Höfft and F. Endres
Surface Science and Nanotechnology 8, 241, 2010 - Electron spectroscopy on plasma treated lignin and cellulose
L. Klarhöfer, W. Viöl and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Holzforschung 64, 331-336, 2010, DOI: 10.1515/hf.2010.048
- The interaction of oxygen with iron films studied with MIES, UPS and XPS
- In situ STM studies of Ga electrodeposition from GaCl3 in the air- and water-stable ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium-bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide
L. H. S. Gasparotto, N. Borisenko, O. Höfft, W. Maus-Friedrichs, N. Bocchi, S. Z. El Abedin and F. Endres
Electrochimica Acta 55, 218-226, 2009 - The adsorption of CO2 and CO on Ca and CaO films studied with MIES, UPS and XPS
F. Voigts, F. Bebensee, S. Dahle, K. Volgmann and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 603, 40-49, DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.10.016, 2009 - Oxygen incorporation into strontium titanate single crystals from CO2 dissociation
C. Argirusis, F. Voigts, P. Datta, J. Grosse-Brauckmann and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 3152–3157, 2009
- In situ STM studies of Ga electrodeposition from GaCl3 in the air- and water-stable ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium-bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide
- Valence band spectroscopy on lignin
L. Klarhöfer, B. Roos, W. Viöl, O. Höfft, S. Dieckhoff, V. Kempter and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Holzforschung 62, 688-693, 2008 - Surface Analysis of Nanoscale Aluminium and Silicon Films Made by Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquids
F. Bebensee, N. Borissenko, M. Frerichs, O. Höfft, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Z. El Abedin and F. Endres
Z. Phys. Chem. 222, 671-688, 2008 - The adsorption of oxygen and water on Ca and CaO films studied with MIES, UPS and XPS
F. Bebensee, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 602, 1622-1630, 2008
- Valence band spectroscopy on lignin
- Fundamental study of the interaction of Ti atoms with spruce surfaces
L. Klarhöfer, F. Voigts, D. Schwendt, B. Roos, W. Viöl, O. Höfft and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Holzforschung 61, 523–527, 2007 - Interaction of electrochemically deposited aluminium nanoparticles with reactive gases
F. Bebensee, L. Klarhöfer, W. Maus-Friedrichs and F. Endres
Surface Science 601, 3769–3773, 2007
- Fundamental study of the interaction of Ti atoms with spruce surfaces
- Air stable Co-, Fe- and Fe/Co-Nanoparticles and Ferrofluids
S. Behrens, H. Bönnemann, N. Matoussevitch, E. Dinjus, H. Modrow, N. Palina, M. Frerichs, V. Kempter, W. Maus-Friedrichs, A. Heinemann, M. Kammel and A. Wiedenmann
Zeitschrift für Phys. Chemie 220, 3, 2006 - Synthesis and Characterization of Strontium Titanate Nanoparticles as Potential High Temperature Oxygen Sensor Material
F. Voigts, T. Damjanovic, G. Borchardt, C. Argirusis and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Journal of Nanomaterials 2006, Article ID 63154, 2006 - Fundamental processes of aluminium corrosion studied under ultra high vacuum conditions
M. Frerichs, F. Voigts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Applied Surface Science 253, 950–958, 2006
- Air stable Co-, Fe- and Fe/Co-Nanoparticles and Ferrofluids
- Sr diffusion in undoped and La-doped SrTiO3 single crystals under oxidizing conditions
K. Gömann, G. Borchardt, A. Gömann, W. Maus-Friedrichs, B. Lesage, O. Kaisatov, S. Hoffmann-Eifert and T. Schneller
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 7, 2053-2060, 2005 - Electronic structure and topography of heated SrTiO3(111) surfaces studied with MIES and STM
A. Gömann, K. Gömann, M. Frerichs, V. Kempter, G. Borchardt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Applied Surface Science 252 (1), 196-199, 2005 - Air stable Fe and Fe-Co magnetic fluids - synthesis and characterization
H. Bönnemann, R. A. Brand, W. Brijoux, H. W. Hofstadt, M. Frerichs, V. Kempter, W. Maus-Friedrichs, N. Matoussevitch, K. S. Nagabhushana, F. Voigts and V. Caps
Applied Organometallic Chemistry 19 (6), 790-796, 2005 - Interaction of O2, CO and CO2 with Co films
M. Frerichs, F.X. Schweiger, F. Voigts, S. Rudenkiy, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surface and Interface Analysis 37 (7), 633-640, 2005 - Corrosion of aluminium components studied with MIES, UPS and XPS
M. Frerichs, F. Voigts, S. Hollunder, R. Masendorf, A. Esderts and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Applied Surface Science 252 (1), 108-112, 2005 - Formation and Characterization of Pt Nanoparticle Networks
F. Wen, N. Waldöfner, W. Schmidt, K. Angermund, H. Bönnemann, S. Modrow, S. Zinoveva, H. Modrow, J. Hormes, L. Beuermann, S. Rudenkiy, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter, T. Vad and H.-G. Haubold
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 18, 3625-3640, 2005 - Investigation of pure and plasma treated spruce with surface analytical techniques
L. Klarhöfer, M. Frerichs, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter and W. Viöl
ECWM 2, 339-345 (ISBN 3-00-017207-69), 2005
- Sr diffusion in undoped and La-doped SrTiO3 single crystals under oxidizing conditions
- Ti-diffusion in La-doped SrTiO3 single crystals
K. Gömann, G. Borchardt, A. Gunhold, W. Maus-Friedrichs and H. Baumann
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 6, 3639-3644, 2004 - Changes in the surface topography and electronic structure of SrTiO3(110) single crystals heated under oxidizing and reducing conditions
A. Gunhold, K. Gömann, L. Beuermann, V. Kempter, G. Borchardt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 566, 105-110, 2004 - Study of the Structure and Stability of Co Nanoparticles for Ferrofluidic Applications
S. Rudenkiy, M. Frerichs, F. Voigts, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter, R. Brinkmann, N. Matoussevitch, W. Brijoux, H. Bonnemann, N. Palina and H. Modrow
Applied Organometallic Chemistry 18, 553-560, 2004
- Ti-diffusion in La-doped SrTiO3 single crystals
- Island formation on 0.1 at.-% La-doped SrTiO3(100) at elevated temperatures under reducing conditions
A. Gunhold, L. Beuermann, M. Frerichs, V. Kempter, K. Gömann, G. Borchardt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 523, 80-88, 2003 - Nanostructures on La-doped SrTiO3 surfaces
A. Gunhold, K. Gömann, L. Beuermann, V. Kempter, G. Borchardt and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 375, 924-928, 2003 - Metastable impact electron emission microscopy of the catalytic H2 oxidation on Rh(110)
G. Lilienkamp, H. Wei, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter, H. Marhbach, S. Guenter, R. Imbihl and Y. Suchorski
Surface Science 532-535, 132-136, 2003 - Cation Transport and Surface Reconstruction in Lanthanum Doped Strontium Titanate at High Temperatures
K. Gömann, G. Borchardt, A. Gunhold, W. Maus-Friedrichs, B. Lesage, O. Kaïtasov and H. Baumann
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 756, 2003 - Study of the electronic and atomic structure of thermally treated SrTiO3(110) surfaces
A. Gunhold, L. Beuermann, K. Goemann, G. Borchardt, V. Kempter, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Piskunov, E.A. Kotomin and S. Dorfman
Surface And Interface Analysis 35 (12), 998-1003, 2003
- Island formation on 0.1 at.-% La-doped SrTiO3(100) at elevated temperatures under reducing conditions
- Geometric structure and chemical composition of SrTiO3 surfaces heated under oxidizing and reducing conditions
A. Gunhold, K. Gömann, L. Beuermann, M. Frerichs, G. Borchart, V. Kempter and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Surface Science 507-510, 447-452, 2002 - The characterization of SrTiO3(001) with MIES, UPS(HeI) and first-principles calculations
W. Maus-Friedrichs, M. Frerichs, A. Gunhold, S. Krischok, V. Kempter and G. Bihlmayer
Surface Science 515, 499-506, 2002 - Surface structure of heated donor doped SrTiO3(100) single crystals studied with spectroscopic electron microscopy
H. Wei, W. Maus-Friedrichs, G. Lilienkamp, V. Kempter, J. Helmbold, K. Gömann and G. Borchart
Journal of Electroceramics 8, 221-228, 2002
- Geometric structure and chemical composition of SrTiO3 surfaces heated under oxidizing and reducing conditions
- A study of the charging phenomena during electron irradiation of sintered Si3N4
H. Guo, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter and J. Shi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 173, 463-469, 2001 - The interaction of CO2 and H2O with Sr films studied with MIES and UPS (HeI)
W. Maus-Friedrichs, A. Gunhold, M. Frerichs and V. Kempter
Surface Science 488, 239-248, 2001, DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(01)01140-2 - Study of SrO segregation on SrTiO3(100) surfaces
H. Wei, L. Beuermann, J. Helmbold, G. Borchardt, V. Kempter, G. Lilienkamp and W. Maus-Friedrichs
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21, 1677-1680, 2001
- A study of the charging phenomena during electron irradiation of sintered Si3N4
- The relation between preexisting defects and charging-up in 9mol%Y2O3-ZrO2 studied by Auger Electron Spectroscopy
H. Guo, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Chinese Physics 9, 225-232, 2000 - TiO(001) single-crystal film formation by the incorporation of oxygen from MgO into the deposited Ti film
T. Suzuki, R. Souda, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Physical Review B 62, 8306-8312, 2000
- The relation between preexisting defects and charging-up in 9mol%Y2O3-ZrO2 studied by Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Charge trapping and charge compensation during Auger electron spectroscopy on SiO2
H. Guo, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
J. Appl. Phys. 86, 2337-2341, 1999
- Charge trapping and charge compensation during Auger electron spectroscopy on SiO2
- CO2 chemisorption at Mg and MgO surfaces: a study with MIES and UPS (He I)
D. Ochs, M. Brause, B. Braun, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 397, 101-107, 1998, DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(97)00722-X - Surface electronic structure of pure and oxidized Mg2Si layers on Si(111)
D. Ochs, M. Brause, B. Braun, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 398, 184-194, 1998 - Interaction of small molecules with Mg and MgO surfaces studied with MIES and UPS(HeI)
D. Ochs, M. Brause, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 88-91, 757-762, 1998 - Characterization of LiF and CaF2 surfaces using MIES and UPS(HeI)
D. Ochs, M. Brause, S. Krischok, P. Stracke, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Puchin, A. Popov and V. Kempter
J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 88-91, 725-732, 1998 - Study of Au multiple-twinned particle micelles by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (HeI) and metastable impact electron spectroscopy
T. Takami, M. Brause, D. Ochs, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter and S. Ino
Surf. Sci. 407, 140-151, 1998 - CO2 chemisorption at Ca and CaO surfaces: a study with MIES, UPS(HeI) and XPS
D. Ochs, B. Braun, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 417, 406-414, 1998
- CO2 chemisorption at Mg and MgO surfaces: a study with MIES and UPS (He I)
- Charging Phenomena and Charge Compensation in AES on Metal Oxides and Silica
H. Guo, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surface and Interface Analysis 25, 390-296, 1997 - Cs adsorption on oxide films (Al2O3, MgO, SiO2)
M. Brause, D. Ochs, J. Günster, T. Mayer, B. Braun, V. Puchin, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 383, 216-225, 1997 - The surface electronic structure of stoichiometric and defective LiF surfaces studied with MIES and UPS in combination with ab-initio calculations
D. Ochs, M. Brause, P. Stracke, S. Krischok, F. Wiegershaus, W. Maus-Friedrichs, V. Kempter, V. E. Puchin and A. L. Shluger
Surf. Sci. 383, 162-172, 1997
- Charging Phenomena and Charge Compensation in AES on Metal Oxides and Silica
- Electron emissions in slow collisions of He projectiles (He*, He+, He++) with Li- and LiF-surfaces
F. Wiegershaus, S. Krischok, D. Ochs, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 345, 91-100, 1996 - Study of the surface electronic structure of MgO bulk crystals and thin films
D. Ochs, W. Maus-Friedrichs, M. Brause, J. Günster, V. Kempter, V. Puchin, A. Shluger and L. Kantorovich
Surf. Sci. 365, 557-571, 1996, DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(96)00706-6
- Electron emissions in slow collisions of He projectiles (He*, He+, He++) with Li- and LiF-surfaces
- Iodine adsorption on clean and cesiated W(110) studied with UPS and metastable impact electron spectroscopy
S. Pülm, A. Hitzke, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 325, 75-84, 1995 - The study of surface adsorbed C60 molecules with metastable impact electron spectroscopy and UPS (HeI)
J. Günster, T. Mayer, M. Brause, W. Maus-Friedrichs, H. G. Busmann and V. Kempter
Surf. Sci. 336, 341-352, 1995
- Iodine adsorption on clean and cesiated W(110) studied with UPS and metastable impact electron spectroscopy
- The electronic structure of CsI adlayers on W(110)
A. Hitzke, S. Pülm, H. Müller, R. Hausmann, J. Günster, S. Dieckhoff, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surface Science, 291 67-77, 1993
- The electronic structure of CsI adlayers on W(110)
- The interaction of alkali atoms with oxygen on W(110) as studied by UPS and metastable impact electron spectroscopy
II. K and Cs
W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Dieckhoff and V. Kempter
Surface Science 273, 311-321, 1992 - The interaction of alkali atoms with oxygen on W(110) as studied by UPS and metastable impact electron spectroscopy
I. Li and Na
W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Dieckhoff, M. Wehrhahn, S. Pülm and V. Kempter
Surface Science 271, 113-127, 1992 - The electronic structure of NaCl adlayers on W(110) studied by ionizing radiation
S. Dieckhoff, H. Müller, W. Maus-Friedrichs, H. Brenten and V. Kempter
Surface Science 279, 233-243, 1992 - The change of the electronic structure of on W(110) under electron bombardment
S. Dieckhoff, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 65, 488-492, 1992 - Exo-electron emission during the oxidation of alkalated W(110) surfaces
H. Brenten, H. Müller, W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Dieckhoff and V. Kempter
Surface Science 262, 151-158, 1992
- The interaction of alkali atoms with oxygen on W(110) as studied by UPS and metastable impact electron spectroscopy
- Alkali-metal-affected adsorption of CO on W(110) studied by metastable impact electron spectroscopy
W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Dieckhoff and V. Kempter
Surface Science 249, 149-158, 1991, DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(91)90840-O - Alkali adsorption on W( 110) studied by metastable impact electron spectroscopy
W. Maus-Friedrichs, S. Dieckhoff, M. Wehrhahn and V. Kempter
Surface Science 253, 137-146, 1991
- Alkali-metal-affected adsorption of CO on W(110) studied by metastable impact electron spectroscopy
- Coadsorption of Cs and hydrogen on W(110) studied by metastable impact electron spectroscopy
W. Maus-Friedrichs, M. Wehrhahn, S. Dieckhoff and V. Kempter
Surface Science 237, 257-265, 1990
- Coadsorption of Cs and hydrogen on W(110) studied by metastable impact electron spectroscopy
- Excitation of Li(2p) in slow collisons of Li+ ions with cesiated W(110) surfaces
H. Schall, W. Huber, H. Hörmann, W. Maus-Friedrichs and V. Kempter
Surface Science 210, 163-174, 1989 - Alkali-metal-affected adsorption of oxygen on W(110)
W. Maus-Friedrichs, H. Hörmann and V. Kempter
Surface Science 224, 112-120, 1989
- Excitation of Li(2p) in slow collisons of Li+ ions with cesiated W(110) surfaces